Typical day:
We wake up (without an alarm clock :)) at around 7am. Bastien usually prepares a cake. Then we all have breakfast together. Then alone time for 15-30minutes while the child in charge does the dishes. Then school for the rest of the morning. We are trying to change the rhythm a little bit and add some sports for the whole family in the morning. Then lunch. It typically is left overs or sandwiches. Then quiet time for about 2 hours during the hot hours. I (Nat) usually fit in a 20 minutes nap. Kids typically read for 30 minutes, play legos, and do some screen (videos, documentaries, small movies). Parents usually work on little projects: sewing, boat maintenance, cleaning, laundry, repairs, email. At around 3, we usually meet up with other boats and have fun on land or in between boats. Then diner and sweet little evening.