This morning, we did it: we left! Not for a big sail. Actually, it wasnât even a sail, we motored for 30 minutes or so to go to Sainte-Anne, a beautiful beach just south of Le Marin. We anchored successfully. Well, almost. Our windlass broke đ stress back up high. When will I feel like I can trust this boat?! Until then, the knot in my stomach will still be there… we still had a nice afternoon at the beach, and a beautiful evening on the boat. We finally rigged the main sail. Tomorrow, we will go buy an other windlass, by bus and we will rig the other sails if possible.
We left the Marina!!!

Congrats guys! Despite all the stress, the few hours of sleep, the unexpected and maddening incidents, youâre doing it! Hope things will be getting a little smoother from now on. Have a wonderful start to an amazing new year ! -Carine, Clarisse et Oliver
Ps hey Noah thatâs awesome that you climbed that mast! Ollie
Thanks Carine! Yes, we are doing it! Bon courage pour la rentrée!
Noah says: Thanks Oliver! It was super high and there was wind so I wanted to hold on! And it was fun at the same time đ
Salut la compagnie !
Vous ĂȘtes super ! On suit toutes vos aventures avec beaucoup d’intĂ©rĂȘts.
Le prof de sport que je suis ne peut s’empĂȘcher de remarquer cette belle montĂ©e du mat effectuĂ©e par toutes et tous !
Bravo et les photos sont superbes.
Hello les cocos! Merci pour les encouragements! On nage bcp et les enfants pensent Ă Guillaume a chaque fois đ
Bisous des Saintes et bon week-end!